Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Visualising Sound - initial ideas

 At this point having started trying to create some initial ideas using the techniques I have seen through my research, I have come to the conclusion that I will be focusing purely on the the rhythm aspect of the song, mainly focusing on the drum beat and pattern.

I started by notating the actual drumbeat that is used throughout the song, luckily in this example the drum beat stays consistent from start to end as it is one of the main factors of the song which helps form the backbone of both the audio and the visual.

 Originally, when writing this brief, I intended to use this to experiment with mark making techniques but actually looking at ways of representing the visuals and accurately visualising the structure and pattern of the song then more of a mathematical, structured, inforgraphic response would be more appropriate to the outcome I am wanting to achieve.

below are a few quick sketches I came up with that got the best response when receiving constructive feedback from a small self made crit group.

this example would use different shapes for each voice of the drum kit. 2 bars of the drum beat will be used so it is not necessarily a Representative of the entire song, but the aim would be to use this to visualise the foundation of the song rather than the song as an entirety.

Using DNA style patterns to structure the visuals of the drum beat

This would again just focus on a small portion of the actual song but would be a very visually orientated design.

 And in this example I suggested using a similar pattern effect to the first idea but instead of just focusing on a minimal amount of bars, I will use the visual I create to make a repetitive pattern, which will include every beat of the song placed appropriately according the beat and structure of the drums.

Technically from following this direction, the listener could follow the pattern through beat by beat from start to finish.

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