Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Visualising Sound - Visual Research

Directed and created by - US 
Music by - Benga - 'I will never change'

This is another really unique and impressive example of visualising a song. This method was obviously created for video format and must have taken a huge period of time to complete, however the way that they have perfectly represented the sound waves of the song using a relevant material (vinyl) to produce it is very relevant to the research I am undertaking.

This is an example of using a physical product to recreate the unique sound pattern of the song, this would be an option for my brief, to actually physically create my piece out of some form of 3D material and use the photograph as the poster outcome. However i really wanted to experiment with screen print in this brief and this would make it more difficult for myself and would probably result in me resorting to a different print production method.

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